Friday, 18 January 2013

Ubuntu Vs CentOS, Which is Best?

Ubuntu Vs CentOS
This is a comparison of two major Linux distributions Ubuntu and CentOS.We compare the main features of the two distros. The technical details including the hardware and software features.CentOS is based on RedHat Linux and Ubuntu is based on Debian.

Ubuntu CentOS
Base Distribution
Debian Linux Red Hat Linux
Default File SystemEXT 4 EXT 4
Desktop Environment Unity Gnome
Supported Platforms  i386, AMD64,ARM  i386, x86-64
Packet Management APT Yum Package Kit
Package Format Deb RPM
USB Installation Yes
Live CD Yes No


  1. Hi Karey, the default CentOS 6 file system is actually ext4, not ext3.

  2. I have tried Ubuntu and I did not like it. First of all, Unity is not fun, and even after switch to KDE I still wanted something different.

    I have CentOS, but I haven't really given it a chance yet. I somehow stumbled up Arch Linux, and through it, ArchBang, and am now completely replacing my Win 7 desktop over time to a Linux Box.

  3. Ubuntu is from far better than CentOs... Looking forward to See Cpanel for Ubuntu Server :)

    1. In what ways? I'm debating between Ubuntu and CentOS 6.4 myself.

    2. How is it "far better"?

  4. Hi Karey,

    USB Installation = YES
    Live CD = YES

    My comparison,

    I have tried both at home and at work. At home, you wont really see the difference because you aren't really doing much with it. However when it comes to stability and resource hungry, you will see both affecting your systems at home and in the office.

    Ubuntu would freeze or hang at times. There is no way of getting it back most of the time and you resort to rebooting the system.

    CentOS is truly amazing. It is a repackaged RedHat system that is stable and reliable. I have seen CentOS freeze, but not as many times as Ubuntu does. When CentOS freezes, you can still move around :) Very rare have I seen people reboot CentOS unless it is critical.

    Many companies use Ubuntu as it has gained great popularity. My suggestion is to use Linux Mint. It is based off Ubuntu, but just better and all Ubuntu packages work with Linux Mint.

    Vance Layne

    1. forgot to mention ....

      FOR CentOS

      USB Installation = YES
      Live CD = YES

      Vance Layne

    2. Is great to see a Linux user recognizing that Linux also gets frozen sometimes.
      Now we only need someone recognizing that it also has viruses, as any other OS.

      On the other hand I admit that Linux is more stable that Windows.

  5. Centos can be installed with USB and there is a live CD too

  6. Thinx for this comparaison :) i use ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS :D

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